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Anal Heven 天堂後庭拉珠(紫色)

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目前位置: 首頁 > 男性 - 增長練習 > 增長練習 > Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

  • 本店售價:HK$ 1880.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:1880 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:3018
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Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

陽具增長及陽具增粗革命性產品,無需外科手術永久加長陰莖.修正陰莖曲度和治療 Perionie`s 病症。

永久性陰莖增長 1.5 至 4 cm;
矯正陰莖彎曲,矯正效果達70% (需佩戴6 至8個月)

產品由兩根活動的金屬棒及一個特製的塑膠環組成。在這塑膠環上有一個塑膠矽脂的帶子系在龜頭上用來固定, 並且與固定在陰莖根部的塑膠環實現張力。這器械必需在陰莖鬆弛的時後佩戴,每天佩戴4至9個小時,每個月可增長0.5cm。依個人需求的不同,建議佩戴4至6 個月。就算外出辦事也可使用,避免中斷,保持長期使用效果。使用時,不會感到疼痛和影響走路.站立或坐下等日常生活。如穿著寬鬆的褲子便不易被別人發現。

運用 600 到 1500 克 的張力作用在陰莖上。因為持續性的牽引力能細胞為了適應而分裂並繁殖增加,最終可達到陰莖增長。

a) Andro-Penis 是經過世界著名的泌尿專家進行過科學研究,證明了使用 Andro-Penis的效率達97.5%。
b) Andro-Penis 是經過歐盟衛生當局和德國衛生部批准的,具有歐盟一類證書,可保證不管是短期使用還是長期使用都不會有副作用。

Andromedical Andropenis Gold Penis Extender

It takes a lot to meet our standards. But with over 350,000 satisfied patients, Andropenis Gold has become the Best-Selling penis enlargement device of Andromedical. This medical male enhancement tool has helped men across the world suffering from the shape or size of their penis as well as painful post-surgical recovery. And for that, we are glad to grant our gold standard.

User requirements:
- Your penis size must be at least 8 cm in erection.
- You must be between 18 and 65 years old.
- And of course, have the will to increase your penis length and girth.

Tech Specs:
- The metal shafts of Andropenis gold are made of nickel covered with a layer of 24 carat gold.

How to use:
Andropenis must be used with the penis in a flaccid state. The device can be used 4 or 9 hours a day, taking a break when needed. Results are visible after the first and a half month of treatment.

At the beginning you will notice a slight thickening of the penis and then a growth in length that will be mostly evident in the flaccid state and later on in erection.

You will obtain an estimated growth of up to 0.2 inches (0,5 cm) per month. These results are accumulative and once you have finalized the treatment, the results are permanent.

It can be easily worn and taken off. It is very discreet and comfortable and may be worn while walking, sitting and standing.

What's included:
- Medical Support: throughout the whole treatment
- Androcomfort® Band: 2 units
- Androtop® for Androcomfort® Band: 2 units
- Androring®: 2 units
- Instructions CD in 27 languages for computer use
- Instructions Booklet in 8 languages
- Quick Guide
- "100 Sex Tips" free eBook
- Androsilicone®: 2 units
- Androtop® for Androsilicone®: 2 units
- Androshafts®: 24 K Gold

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]

Andropenis Gold 陰莖增長器(黃金版) [平行進口]
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