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目前位置: 首頁 > 性事增強 > 陰莖增大|壯陽增強 > Swiss Navy Max 最大尺寸男性增強霜 150ml 1926

Swiss Navy Max 最大尺寸男性增強霜 150ml 1926

Swiss Navy Max 最大尺寸男性增強霜 150ml 1926

  • 商品貨號:2800300
  • 商品品牌:Swiss Navy
  • 商品重量:200克
  • 本店售價:HK$ 420.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:420 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:2120
  • 商品總價:
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Swiss Navy Max 最大尺寸男性增強霜 150ml


Max Size Cream 是專為男性增強而設計的特殊配方,採用獨特的透皮分送系統 VTT,可快速吸收並立即獲得效果。 Max Size Cream 是 Butea Superba 唯一具備 PDE-5 專利的天然 Butea Superba 的男性增強產品,有助於「鎖定」促進勃起反應的酵素。 在臨床試驗中,使用者報告說性耐力增加和興奮不會在短時間內產生任何副作用。


- 更堅固
- 更持久的勃起
- 提升刺激和滿足感


- 勿讓兒童接觸
- 避免接觸眼睛或任何受刺激的組織
- 如果接觸眼睛或任何受刺激的組織
- 如果發生接觸,請用水沖洗並諮詢醫生

Swiss Navy Max Size Cream 150ml


Male Enhancement


Fast Acting


Helps Increase Firmness & Fullness


Helps Maximize Pleasure & Heightened Stimulation


Formulated with Vaszogen Transdermal Technology™


For men seeking more volume, intensity, & excitement.


MaxSize® Male Enhancement Formula helps create a warming sensation as vessels dilate and capillaries expand.  The result is increased firmness and fullness, heightened stimulation and intense gratification.


MaxSize Male Enhancement Formula is the only sexual performance product engineered with VTT™ - Vazogen Transdermal Technology, a new scientific advancement that allows quicker absorption.


Massage desired amount directly to the genital area.  Sensation will begin immediately.  Partners may also notice increased pleasure and sensation.




Precautions:  Keep out of reach of children.  Avoid contact with the eyes or any irritated tissues.  If contact with the eyes or any irritated tissues.  If contact occurs, rinse with water and consult a physician.


This product is intended for use as a novelty product only.  Any product use for medical purpose or for a use that has an adverse effect on any function of the body is prohibited.  Sold as a novelty only.

Swiss Navy Max 最大尺寸男性增強霜 150ml

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