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目前位置: 首頁 > 性事增強 > 男用延時|早泄改善 > Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray男士延時噴霧 25ml 1478

Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray男士延時噴霧 25ml 1478

Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray男士延時噴霧 25ml 1478

  • 商品貨號:2721900
  • 商品品牌:Portugal Orgie
  • 商品重量:80克
  • 本店售價:HK$ 188.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:180 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:2316
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Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray男士延時噴霧 25ml


這款延時噴霧滿足男士對增加時間和娛樂的要求,在性關係中持續更長時間。該延時和創新配方採用天然成分製成,無添加苯佐卡因,利多卡因或其他化學物質。 它還包含萬神殿和蘆薈,這兩種天然物質具有潤滑和抗菌作用。


- 降低陰莖敏感度,延長性交時間。
- 採用天然成分,不含苯佐卡因,利多卡因和任何其他麻醉劑。
- 具有萬神殿和蘆薈精華素,具有抗菌和保濕作用。
- 葡萄牙製造


- 以45度角噴射,每次噴射量為0.13ml。
- 在陰莖龜頭上噴2或3噴,並等待約5分鐘以達到延時效果。

Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray 25ml


This desensitising spray meets the purpose of increasing the time and pleasure of the man. It will help you last longer during sexual relations.Its desensitising and innovative formula has been developed with natural ingredients, without the addition of benzocaine, lidocaine or other chemicals. It also contains pantheon and Aloe Vera, two natural substances that offer lubricating and anti- bacterial effects.


- Decreases the penis sensitivity providing longer intercourses.
- with natural ingredients and free of benzocaine, lidocaine and any other anesthetic.
- With pantheon and aloe vera, anti- bacterial and moisturizer effects.
- Made In Portugal


- Spray jet in 45 degrees angle and 0.13ml dosage per shot.
- Apply 2 or 3 spray shots on the penis glans and wait approximately 5 minutes for the desensitizing effect.

Orgie Time Lag Delay Spray男士延時噴霧 25ml 1478

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