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目前位置: 首頁 > 後庭探宮 > 後庭塞 > SMVIP 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型 416

SMVIP 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型 416

SMVIP 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型 416

  • 本店售價:HK$ 165.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:160 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:2742
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SMVIP Anal Pump 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型


全長 15cm
直徑 3.5cm






- 手動泵氣
- 容易充氣
- 設有放氣按鈕
- 容易放氣


- 建議配合潤滑油使用
- 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B


In order to promote the development of anal, a safe anal extender is a necessity!


You can taste fresh stimulus, you will be able to become nervous by deep pleasure of anal.


Even for a single person, even with playing with partners, it is an item that you can enjoy a little bit of a maniac sense different from usual.


You can also enjoy the reaction to taste the extreme pleasure.


There is a sense of security that the air in the plug can be released with a single touch and it will be instantly released from suffering.


[Size] Width: about 3.5 cm, length: about 15 cm

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

SMVIP Anal Expandable Dildo Pump B 肛門膨脹按摩棒B-龜頭型

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