- 平滑
- 超簿
- 如絲般光滑的潤滑劑
- 自然乳膠色
- 底部修窄設計
- 美國製造
- 每個安全套均經過獨立的電子針測試,安全可靠
戰神 Magnum Bareskin 安全套比其他戰神的標準安全套更薄,採用如絲般光滑的潤滑劑,大大提高舒適性和靈敏度。
MAGNUM™ BARESKIN™ Lubricated Condoms
The thinnest MAGNUM™ condom, designed to provide heightened sensitivity and comfort.
- Larger than standard latex condoms for extra comfort
- Wider, contoured shape for added comfort
- Tapered at the base for a secure fit
- Silky smooth lubricant for comfort and sensitivity
- Special reservoir end for extra safety
- Made from premium quality latex to help reduce the risk of pregnancy and STIs
- Each condom is electronically tested – to help ensure reliability
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