電泵 Suck Up! 陰部吸啜震動器
這電泵推動的震動陰部吸啜器,是為刺激整個陰部而設的,可瞄準著妹妹強力吸啜 + 震動,徹底刺激陰部,讓她欲罷不能,愛液氾濫。
- 吸盤內設震動器
- 震力強勁
- 刺激整個陰部
- 電泵推動,無須反復按壓氣泵
- 吸啜力強勁
- 使用 3 粒 AA 電池(不包括)
- 建議配合潤滑油使用
- 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用
Suck Up Pussy Pleaser
Combines vacuum suction with a wonderful pussy invading bullet and sleeve. The convenient hand-held controller contains an electric pump to provide the suction so there is no need to repeatedly squeeze bulbs or pump. It also has vibration controls for the internal vibrating bullet and a vacuum release button.
The suction cup is lined with rubber around the edges for an air-tight seal. The vibrating probe has a super soft silicone sleeve over it with nodules and three long ticklers extending from it's tip.
The Suck-Up pussy pleaser takes 3 AA size batteries.
Instructions for use:
1. Place the suction cup firmly over the area.
2. Slide the two-mode switch to VibroSux. This will start the powerful suction vacuum, drawing your vulva into the soft suction cup.
3. When the vacuum reaches maximum capacity and can no longer draw the vulva in, slide the switch to off for a second.
4. Then slide the switch straight back to the vibrate mode, supplying the device with maximum vibrations.
5. The suction cup is covered with a soft, durable coating that is gentle to the skin.
6. To stop the vibrations simply slide the switch to the off position. To remove the device from the vulva, press the vacuum release valve situated on the opposite side of the device hand control.
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