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目前位置: 首頁 > 安全套 > 岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342

岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342

岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342

  • 本店售價:HK$ 158.00元
  • 會員評價:comment rank 5
  • 購買此商品可使用:160 紅利積分
  • 商品點擊數:210
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  • 數量:

岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342


-顏色: 粉色
-尺碼: 標準

12片 x 3 盒 = 總共 36 片


OKAMOTO BASIC 12 sachets x 3 boxes 7342

This affordable and straightforward latex condom features a smooth design, making it suitable for a wide range of users. The material is made of latex, and the size is standardized, with a reservoir tip at the front for added protection. Additionally, the product is presented in simple packaging, aiming to reduce any potential embarrassment. Each box contains 12 sachets, and there are a total of 3 boxes, providing a combined total of 36 sachets.

-Affordable and straightforward latex condom
-Color: Pink
-Material: Latex
-Size: Standard
-Reservoir tip at the front
-Simple packaging design, minimizing embarrassment

12 sachets x 3 boxes = a total of 36 sachets

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus 岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus 岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342

The Alchemist of Ars Magna Aria Magnus 岡本基本 12 片 x 3 盒 7342




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