Onadroid Kiwami 提供了更好的體驗,擁有熟練技術實現的最佳內部細節和功能。入口有一種舒適的感覺,插入時緊張度迅速增加,你會看到那種包裹著你的大型疣點。在中間階段之後,刺激突然變得強烈,並且緊緊包裹的小浮雕攻擊最深的水平點的尖端,同時從完全緩慢的刺激從各個角度攻擊硬。 帶來終極愉悅。即使將杯子取下也可以使用,並且在使用杯孔時可以反复洗滌,因此性價比最佳。
- 長度:160mm; 最大直徑:70mm
- 輕柔包裹的大型浮雕結構(入口附近)
- 無數小浮雕結構(來自中間階段)
- 減少側面水平點(最深部分)
- 能從杯子取出,能使用
- 可以反复洗滌和使用
- 附送潤滑劑
The Onadroid Kiwami Onacup is the best kind of onacup masturbator: a minimal design yet plenty of options for different degrees of pleasure. It comes in two variations, each with its own pattern of stimulating inner nubs and ribs, ending in vacuum chambers that will wrap snugly around your thrusting member. But it keeps on giving: you can use the onacup as it is or also take the sleeve out from the cup holder. This makes cleaning easier and lets you use the masturbator as a regular onahole-style toy.
- Red version
- Removable main body (can be used within cup or as regular onahole)
- Includes lubricant
- Non-air release hole type masturbator
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